Stunning 3 bedroom/2.5 bathroom New Construction in The Preserve at Huntington Park. High end finishes will be found throughout this home-quartzite countertops, beautiful wood and tile floors, hard wood floors upstairs, top of the line stainless kitchen appliances, smart gas range can be controlled remotely with a phone, fabulous light fixtures, 2 solid brick wood burning fireplaces, and more. Added features included a private courtyard with brick pavers, a brick fence, rain chains, and a french drain system designed by an engineer, outdoor fireplace, two tv areas, outdoor kitchen area with water, gas, and electricity. Electric car? Don't worry, the garage is pre-wired for your electric car charger. Garage door is insulated. Sodded and landscaped yard included. Gorgeous Home!
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )