Are you trying to decide on a secluded house in the woods or a house on South Montgomery that is close to everything? This property has the best of both worlds. Walk to the Country Club, sit on your back porch in peace and quiet not seeing a soul or work, or your next project in the huge workshop. This 2700 +/- square foot home has 3 bedroom and 2 1/2 baths. Among other updates to the home the current owners added a huge sunroom, an oversized primary closet/dressing area, and many other unique touches that make this house feel like home. It sits on a 4-acre wooded lot with a fenced in back yard and 1200 square foot shop. The shop has plumbing and air conditioning and could be easily converted into a guest suite or pool house if you did not need the shop.
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )