UNDER CONSTRUCTION 4 Bed 2.5 Bath 1.97+/- AC in Ironwood Subdivision! One level Acadian plan offering a blend of both open and closed concept. 10' and 12' ceiling heights throughout the home with 8' interior doors. Private Primary Suite with a double vanity, two walk-in closets, freestanding tub, tile shower with glass enclosure, and separate toilet room. The Kitchen features a porcelain farmhouse sink, tile backsplash, walk-in pantry, and a large island. Corner fireplace with gas log insert in the Great Room. Flooring coverings include stained pine flooring and 12x24 tile throughout. Spacious covered front and rear porches with stained tongue and groove pine ceilings.
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )