Property is under a First Right of Refusal. Welcome to your dream home! This beautiful 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom traditional brick house is nestled in the highly sough-after Sherwood neighborhood offering a perfect blend of classic charm and modern convenience. Spacious living areas, updated kitchen and comfortable bedrooms are just a few things this wonderful home offers! Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to own a beautiful home in Sherwood Forest. Schedule a viewing today and experience the perfect combination of traditional charm and modern living!
Our mortgage estimator will calculate the details of your estimated monthly mortgage payments. Figures entered below are examples and are used to demonstrate only. Edit the loan details on the bold selections, Select "Calculate Payment" and your information will update under "Your Results". For more information contact FJH Realty!
Your Results:
Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )