One of a kind investment opportunity in Starkville!! Package of 15 rental houses/apartments less than 6 miles from Mississippi State University. Newly paved roads inside of the Ridgelakes Subdivision and new retaining walls installed in front of the 6 houses. Addresses include:400 Brelands Overlook Dr.410 Brelands Overlook Dr. Apartments 1-8612 Brelands Overlook Dr.618 Brelands Overlook Dr.626 Brelands Overlook Dr.634 Brelands Overlook Dr.644 Brelands Overlook Dr.654 Brealands Overlook Dr.As well as a 2.54+/- acre lot behind the houses.
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Your Results:
Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )