Entertainment Beyond Imagination | The heart of this estate is to mesmerize & delight her guests | From tranquil mornings by the lake, to sun-drenched pool parties atop the double-decker platform, with a gentle transition into evening soirees under the stars, this estate provides the perfect backdrop for a life well-lived | The Jimmy Buffett style Cabana features an open floor plan w/five lounge areas, two dining spaces, private open-air hot tub room, & two bars w/hop-up seating | Game Room Cottage offers open floor plan & sauna | Guest Cabana w/private screened porch, living room, kitchen, & bedroom | The Main Home blends seamlessly w/the lifestyle spaces | Foyer | Formal Living | Formal Dining | Primary EnSuite w/Private Lounge | Split Floor Plan w/Four Guest Bedrooms | Movie Theater
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