Located in the sought after Carpenter Place Community, this stunning home is just a 5-10 minute drive to Mississippi State and within walking distance to many other amenities.This meticulously maintained 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home with a 2-car garage offers exceptional features and upgrades.The home's interior showcases neutral paint colors (updated in 11/22) and wood floors throughout. The master suite boasts a designer recessed ceiling with lighting and a ceiling fan, an en suite bathroom with a spa tub, walk-in shower, and a spacious walk-in closet. Other home features include designer brick wall accents in the living area, an eat-at bar with granite countertops, large custom cabinets with under-cabinet lighting, and a deluxe gas range/oven with overhead LED lighting.
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )