Beautiful Freestanding Condo unit at Belle Grove NOW AVAILABLE!! This 3-bedroom 2.5-bathroom unit is freshly painted (interior), cleaned and ready to move into. Features include cozy front and back porches, high ceilings, gorgeous moldings & millwork, spacious open layout, wood flooring throughout, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances in kitchen, and washer & dryer remain. There are also 2 mounted TVs that will remain. SO CLOSE to dining, shopping and MSU!
Our mortgage estimator will calculate the details of your estimated monthly mortgage payments. Figures entered below are examples and are used to demonstrate only. Edit the loan details on the bold selections, Select "Calculate Payment" and your information will update under "Your Results". For more information contact FJH Realty!
Your Results:
Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )