Partial Owner Financing Available! 5025 sq ft 4 bedroom/4 bathroom home with 2 bedroom/2 bathroom 1250 sq ft Guest House and a pool on 5.5 acres is everything one can want. Minutes from MSU, downtown, and seconds from Starkville Country Club. Enter the gated tree lined driveway to find this breathtaking beauty. The main home offers a formal parlor and formal dining room. Large living room with soaring ceilings. Two downstairs primary suites, a gourmet kitchen, laundry, and a large man-cave/bar/sunroom. Upstairs offers two bedrooms and a shared bath. The Guest house is perfect for the homeowner who would like opportunities for Airbnb or long term rental income. Also, perfect for entertaining while enjoying the courtyard and pool. This Resort Status property allows many possibilities
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )