Welcome to this spacious 6 bedroom, 3.5 bath smart home, boasting over 4,000 square feet of comfortable living, entertaining space and an abundance of views. Quietly tucked into the gorgeous and exclusive College Vista neighborhood, yet only a 5-minute walk to Mississippi State University. On the ground level is the main living area, where you'll find 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, a cozy library, a modern kitchen, a dining room, and two inviting living areas, all enhanced with a smart home technology system. The downstairs quarters are ideal for an in-law suite or hosting friends and family for holidays and game day weekends, featuring 3 additional bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a full kitchen, and a separate living room that opens into the backyard.
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Your Results:
Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )