FULLY FURNISHED 1920's Tudor & Successful Airbnb! This gem is booked most every MSU Football, Baseball, and Basketball game weekend for upwards of $1,000/night! Just Steps Away From Downtown | This Historic Home Seamlessly Blends Timeless Charm, Character & Craftsmanship With Modern Amenities | Arched Brick Entrance | Front Porch | Sunlit Formal Living Room w/Brick Fireplace & Built-In Bookshelves| Formal Dining w/Hand-Crafted Wainscoting, Transom Lighting, & Outdoor Entertainment Access | Kitchen w/Brick Floor, Quartz Counters, Gas Range, Subway Tile Backsplash | Guest Bedroom En-Suite w/Private Den | Primary En-Suite Features Office w/Built-In Workstation | Second Floor Mirrors the Main Level w/ 2 More Beds & Bath | Open-Air Entertainment Area | Private Backyard w/Ping-Pong & Foosball!
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