Welcome to waterfront paradise! This stunning 4-bedroom, 3-bath home offers the epitome of lake living with its expansive water views and thoughtful design. Step inside to discover an inviting open floor plan, seamlessly connecting the spacious living area, kitchen, and formal dining room. Enjoy the view from two screened porches, perfect for morning coffee or watching the sunset. Downstairs is split living areas three bedrooms including the Executive Suite with an en-suite porch. Plus, an office/5th bedroom, while upstairs features a loft and additional bedroom and bathroom offer versatile living options. Plus, the joys of life on the near 300-acre Whites Creek Lake with your own private dock and Swimming stand. Conveniently located right outside the gate to the City Park and boat ramp
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )