Ever wanted to be off the grid?? Well you could be with this beautiful private property! 2-Bedroom/2-Bath Home + outbuildings + 2 stocked ponds + fruit trees + 77 acres of PRIME HUNTING LAND!!! There are deer, wild turkeys, foxes, squirrels, and so much more. And the ponds are stocked with bass, bream & crappie for your fishing enjoyment. This is truly a Hunter's and Fishermen's dream property! The property also features pine trees & hardwoods, many of which are ready for harvesting. Two propane tanks and Generac generator all remain with property. *East Webster School District -Qualifies for Sumner Grant (E.H. Sumners Endowed Scholarship Fund)*
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )