Welcome to Cow Puncher Arena! This is a one-of-a-kind equestrian property minutes from Starkville, MS! This turn-key ranch is waiting for its new owner. This property features a 10-stall barn with eight 12x16 and two 12x12 foot stalls, a 6-stall barn with six 12x20 foot stalls and panels, a 30x40 foot hay barn, and a 96x120 foot barn with an 80x120 foot warm up arena, men's and women's facilities, showers and coin operated laundry, 340sqft retail space, and a tool/storage room. This property also features the huge main arena coming in at just under 21,000sqft. This 95x220 foot arena features new LED lighting, a 24-foot lean-to on the south side with four stalls, a 36-foot lean-to on the north side, nine covered 24x24 foot cattle pens, a working tub, roping chute with return, insulated
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