This Timeless Williamsburg Colonial Style Home has so much to offer. Siting on over 3+- acres of Tranquil Wooded Privacy. Brand New Roof on BOTH the House & Shop. Dream Workshop W/Over 2000Sqft under Roof, not counting the Covered Parking on Both Sides. Large Living Room & Den W/Built-ins, HUGE Formal Dining Room W/Storage, Nice Sunroom, Great Kitchen W/Tons of Cabinet Space & Spacious Breakfast Area, Large Primary Suite W/Multiple Large Closets. Primary Bath W/Solid Surface Countertops, Big Laundry Room, 5 Bedrooms & 3 Full Baths Upstairs, Along W/An Upstairs Living Area the KIDS WILL GO NUTS FOR. This Place has SO MUCH STORAGE & other things you have to see to appreciate. All this & less than 10-minutes from campus!!
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