3Bed/2bath with a Bonus Room that could be used as a 4th Bedroom, 2nd Living Area, Office, etc. Move in Ready and professionally updated from floor to ceiling. New energy efficient windows. All New Interior/Exterior Paint & Doors. New vinyl plank flooring throughout Home. New Tile in Bathrooms. New Stainless Frigidaire Appliances, New Sink & New Quartz Countertops in Kitchen. New Custom Built Shaker Style Facings, Drawer Boxes & Hardware on Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers. Improved Large Cased opening between Dining/Living area. Complete Gut Job in Master & Guest Bathrooms-New Plumbing, Toilets, Vanities, Master Shower, & Tub/Shower Combo in Guest Bath. Updated Lighting and Plumbing Fixtures throughout home. New Board & Batten, Cedar Columns & Footings in Carport. New Driveway. AGENT OWNED
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