Architectural Craftsman in Redbud Springs | This New Construction Home Is Ready For Its New Owner's Finishing Touches To Make It Truly One-Of-A-Kind | Exposed Beams, Skylight Strip, Custom Woodwork, & Overlooking Loft | Covered Front Porch | Foyer | Living Room w/Vaulted Ceiling, Abundance of Natural Light, & Patio Access | Dining Area | Kitchen w/Granite Counters, Double-Bowl Sink, Stainless Appliances, Island w/Hop-Up Bar, & Pantry | Laundry Room | Two Guest Bedrooms | Primary EnSuite w/Patio Access, Dual Walk-In Closets, Double Vanity w/Granite Counters, High-Back Soaking Tub, & Separate Ceramic Tile Shower | Upstairs Features Vaulted Natural-Wood Ceiling, Guest EnSuite, Fifth Bedroom/Open Area Living Space, & Sitting Area | Exposed Pebble Concrete Patio | Minutes from MSU
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