Meticulously maintained and move-in-ready one owner home in Northgate Subdivision. This recently updated 3 bedroom/ 2 bath home offers a Spacious Primary Suite with a renovated bathroom and walk-in closet. White kitchen, quartz countertops, and new backsplash. Two dining areas, a large living area with gas log fireplace, and a private back patio and large back yard is appealing to the buyer who craves space to entertain. The split floor plan, two guest bedrooms, a hall bathroom, and a bonus room is ample room for for guests or for the expanding household. Quiet little neighborhood on the North side of town that is so convenient to Mississippi State University, downtown, the Cotton District, the Neighborhood Market, Medical Complex, and all major highways and bypasses.
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )