Oakvale is here and ready to be your new home! The Shumard plan will boast a fabulous 3BR/3.5BA home with top-of-the-line appliances and finishes. Oakvale offers high-end, modern architectural design and amenities. Inspired by active lifestyles, Oakvale shines with amenities rarely seen in Starkville; the private Pool and Clubhouse are just a stone's throw from all Starkville has to offer. All homes are crafted with spacious, open-concept floor plans, attached garages, 11' ceilings, large windows, welcoming natural light, and optional outdoor living areas. Don't miss out on being part of Starkville's newest community like nothing we've seen before. Website is OakvaleMS.com - then find ''Shumard'' floor plan for details. Builder is licensed realtor in the state of Mississippi.
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Your Results:
Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )