Come home to this entertainer's oasis in ever-popular Huntington Park! This spacious and low-maintenance home has a newly painted interior, two new dishwashers and refrigerator! Numerous light fixtures were updated as well. The roof is less than two years old! The formal living room boasts grand columns and a gas fireplace, flowing seamlessly into formal dining, the keeping room, and eat-in kitchen w/dual ovens and dishwashers. The primary suite w/large windows and vaulted ceiling are a blank canvas to make your own! The laundry/mud room is loaded w/storage and work space. Two secondary bedrooms and bathroom are on the first floor. The second floor is perfect for a guest suite or recreational space w/dedicated full bath! Charming courtyard patio! Virtually staged photos.
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )