Welcome to the Oktibbeha 130! This 130+/- acre property in Oktibbeha County, MS , is a property that you can watch your investment grow while you enjoy all the other benefits of owning your own land--the Oktibbeha 130 compromises of 7-year-old pine plantation. The remainder of property consists internal trails, a wildlife plot, and creek frontage. This property has been undisturbed for the last few years, providing you the opportunity to establish new food plots, and enhance the trail system. This is a great opportunity to develop the property just the way you want it. Most everyone wants a creek, or a pond- well this one has both! You will find a 1+/- acre pond along the southern boundary. Trim Cane Creek runs East and West and is in the North portion of the property.
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Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )