Prime corner lot with 1.58 acres+/- zoned T-5C on Highway 182. Excellent frontage and visibility. Only 1.5 miles +/- from Mississippi State University, steps from downtown Starkville, and in close proximity to the Cotton District and the Hospital! Truly centrally located to everything. Located in the heart of the $40million Highway 182 Revitalization Project that is underway, which will transform this corridor. The project includes roadway expansion, utility upgrades, new sidewalks, landscaped medians and other amenities. This high traffic corridor is perfect for your next development. Zoning allows for 4 stories high, or 5 by exception. Site is level and paved with gravel to serve as a laydown site during the Revitalization Project (on a ground lease).
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Your Results:
Monthly Principal & Interest - $Total Down Payment - $Loan Amount - $Interest Rate - %Term of Loan - ( Years )